All of us have problems. Nobody’s perfect. We know this. But sometimes our imperfection, our problems, seem too big for us to handle. When we’ve used all our available resources and we still have no reconciliation of a problem within ourselves, or between ourselves and others, then we need psychotherapy. The better trained and more experienced the psychotherapist, the more likely the psychotherapy will address those problems directly and help us reconcile. It is the avowed purpose of the Psychotherapy Institute to be the best we can be i.e. the most non-judgmental the most open and the most accepting we can be.
The Psychotherapy Institute began as a conglomeration joining several private practices for the purpose of forming a clinic and a practicum site and professional development. In its present form, it was begun in 1991 although the oldest of the private practices was begun in 1979.
It is a practice based on Individual Psychology/Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy which basically is CBT with an overlay of Individual Psychology methods and philosophy. This philosophy says that:
All of us have problems. Nobody’s perfect. We know this. But sometimes our imperfection, our problems, seem too big for us to handle. When we’ve used all our available resources and we still have no reconciliation of a problem within ourselves, or between ourselves and others, then we need psychotherapy. The better trained and more experienced the psychotherapist, the more likely the psychotherapy will address those problems directly and help us reconcile. It is the avowed purpose of the Psychotherapy Institute to be the best we can be i.e. the most non-judgmental the most open and the most accepting we can be.
The Psychotherapy Institute began as a conglomeration joining several private practices for the purpose of forming a clinic and a practicum site and professional development. In its present form, it was begun in 1991 although the oldest of the private practices was begun in 1979.
It is a practice based on Individual Psychology/Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy which basically is CBT with an overlay of Individual Psychology methods and philosophy. This philosophy says that:
- all individuals should be treated with equality
- all members of the staff should be highly trained in Individual Psychology
- we should attempt to work as quickly as possible using
encouragement/confrontation techniques - each session should include: active listening; attention to the responsiveness of the individual; analysis of the problem; interpretation of the problem; re-orienting (or re-educating) the individuals behaviour/attitude and then reinforce the efforts of the session with encouragement
- There are basically five elements to the philosophy of Individual Psychology: social embeddedness (all behaviour has its own social context): holism (i.e. an individual is understood by understanding all the facets of their behaviour and how they interact and form one congruent whole, and an individual is not understood by only knowing her/his “problem”): idiographic (each person creates their own reality): teleological (an individual is not only pushed by their past but more importantly pulled towards their self-created goals in life): phenomenological (meaning “seeing is believing”, but sometimes more importantly “believing is seeing”).