You are not alone.
We know it can feel that way.
We are able to support you in becoming the person you want to be, and to find happiness and fulfillment.
Below is some info to give you an idea of how we can help.
In simple terms, depression can be defined as the gap between what we wished or hoped or thought our lives should be like and how we presently find our lives. The greater the gap, the greater the opportunity for depressive thinking. We help bridge the gap with practical common sense ideas (but as Ogden Nash said “The problem with common sense, is that it’s all too uncommon”).
Anxiety is “fear in-action”. We look at 3 levels of anxiety. Level 1 is a Pang of Anxiety. This is normal. It happens when someone cuts us off when we’re driving to work. It happens when it rains 3 hours before an outdoor wedding. All of us experience pangs of anxiety. Level 2 is the Threat of an Attack. This is a fear of a full blown attack and hence a physiological symptom of that fear e.g. sweaty palms, palpitations, headaches, etc. Level 3 is an Attack of Anxiety or Panic. This is marked by an avoidance of one or more activities which we would normally engage in.
Mental/Emotional Abuse
These are harder to evaluate than physical abuse. They are usually less obviously demonstrated. See our Severity of Violence Matrix.
Physical Abuse
This may occur through various forms of corporal punishment between adults, or from adult to child. It should be responded to quickly. If you are an adult who has witnessed abuse, has participated in it, or has been vicitimized by it, then please see our Severity of Violence Matrix. Among kids physical abuse will lead to retaliation and or revenge or withdrawal. If you are a parent or caregiver to children please see the Four Mistaken Goals of Children.
Nisan Inventory of Life Tasks
This inventory can be used by private individuals and various people in counseling and coaching positions to get a quick understanding of the areas in which a person requires counseling/coaching and those areas of which they feel particularly adept. Download our Nisan Inventory of Life Tasks (51 KB PDF).
Women's Issues
At the Psychotherapy Institute, we are sensitive to women’s issues as a whole. In working with female clients, we are concerned with understanding her own uniqueness as a woman within the context of her life. Each woman brings in a set of problems based on her position in life: physically, mentally and emotionally. Every client deserves a unique approach. We are aware that there are certain issues that impact women as a group. If it is appropriate and useful, we can help the individual understand that she is not alone or at fault. Other women have experienced similar problems, although in their own specific way. If you refer to “Who We Are,” on this website, you will see that we have many women on staff. We can accommodate those women who are more comfortable seeing a female therapist.
We specialize in understanding and managing the unique situations of our LGBT clients. In other words, we get it and would love to help.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders
There are two levels of traumatic stress. One occurs immediately upon the onset of trauma and the other is a delayed reaction. The delay may be a few seconds, several minutes or several years. All traumas necessitate a reaction. Hence a feeling that “It really wasn’t so bad, we’ve overcome it without too much difficulty.” may be an indication that it will come back to haunt you.
Issues Surrounding Aging
Everybody’s aging. You’re aging as you read this. The question is not one directly of aging, but how do we age with self-respect and the respect of others. How do we respect people who become more and more dependent as they grow older? Look at the article Four Mistaken Goals of the Dependent Elderly if you have an aging loved one, or even chronically ill loved one.
Grief Counseling
All of us will have to at one time of another deal with the passing away of loved ones. Hans Selye says that the greatest source of stress in our life is the loss of a loved one. In order to place this event in the context of our own lives, we may need to turn to someone from outside the family.
Pet Grief Counselling

We both love our dogs, cats and birds. So when the time comes, we know how hard it can be. Such feelings of grief for a lost pet should not be swept under the rug or otherwise dismissed.
Chronic Illness
The challenge is the same for the chronically ill as it is for those who provide for them and those who love them. Each person has to find their own way in a now changed universe, and is sometimes at a loss for what to do.